The curtens closed, the lights dimmed an the people hushed their voices. Drumbs beat slowly, ecoing off the ears of people's chest and their heads. All looked forward, waiting for the curtains to open and the show to begin. The drumbs started to tumble and then the spot light flashed on the opening stage.
"Welcome!" A unison of cast bowed and demonstrated their characters by name and then their real name. "We hope you enjoy!" The lights dimmed again then flashed back on. Three farmers dressed in rag and straw hats worked the fields for rice.
"Not much to harvest eh neighbor?" The first said as he held up his pitch fork.
"No, not much at all, it's as if the crops don't want to grow in my fields." The two turned to the thrid who was standing silent and still like a puppet with no strings. "How about you?"
"It came!" The farmer crouched with his walking staff pointed like a weapon. "It came and burned its eyes into the fields! We planted on cursed soil! Cursed!" The farmer ran off the stage and tot he left.
"Burned its eyes into the field?" The two looked at each other. "It is like the legend says, one day when the world looses it's purity the food wil be ash and the water will be..." The farmer stopped as he turned to look at several people held up red cloth and ran acorss the stage. "blood!" The farmers ran off the stage and the lights dimmed.
Kaigo sat near the back of the theater with his eyes watching the play go on. His mother implored him to see a play at the theater. Kaigo felt obligated to avoid the streets of the village when it was full of movie goers. Hmf, not bad. Drammatic alright, but highly fictional. Kaigo became amused with the acting.
In the shadows Kaigo could pick up several people rolling a large piece of background props and then a huge statue was rolled in. The lights didn't turn on, but two fiery shpere glowed as the eyes of a demon was on stage. Lights from behind cast a glow against the painted sky with dark clouds -still brighter than the demon with fire as eyes. Kaigo could see exactly 18 people on stage. nine of them were holding up toruches as they moved around the demon statue. The last nine held up large tails of fur on the sides of the demon. The mouth of the creature opened and the fire from its eyes cast the foreboding red color of blood it its mouth.
"I AM THE DEMON KING! THE WORLD HAS LOST IT'S PURE AND HOLY SPIRITS, NOW I WILL BURN THE FIELDS OF MAN AND CREATE HUNGER. I WILL BOIL THE RIVERS INTO BLOOD AND CREAT THURST. I WILL PLUNGE THE WORLD INTO AN ETERNAL NIGHTMARE, WHERE THE YOUKAI LIVE AND THE KITSUNE PLAY! I AM THE DEMON KING AND THIS IS MY WILL!" A deep voiced man was stuggling to cast his sounds out of the demon statue. Kaigo could easily tell he was having trouble with his voice going deep enough to create the Demon King's voice. Wow they really did put alot of effort into this. Kaigo became interested in the subject matter already; being a fan of youkai lore he didn't expect the demon king to resemble old legends of a nine tailed fox, but the Kitsune part was what tied it in -as his mother had explaned in a long summization to get him to go and watch.-
(ooc: I control the play; no plot killing ia allowed! Post a seat somewhere and enjoy the play! Popcorn is forbidden as all food chewing kills one's imagination and the play looses effect. )